Message In A Bottle-Nicholas Sparks

Message in a Bottle is a hitch-hike through the paradigms of love, grief and hope. It is a heart wrenching story about two people who both have lost the love of their lives in one way or the other. Theresa, a newspaper columnist is on a vacation along the seaside when she unexpectedly finds a bottle with a scrolled up letter in it alongside the shore. Interesting as it gets, it is addressed to someone named Catherine. The letter is poured with emotions about losing her and immense love for her, by a person named Garret. This puts Theresa into an inquisitive speculation, about who these people are and what is the story behind the letter. She somehow finds Garrett, and tells her about her spree which sort of shocks him, as he always expected that those bottles will never be found by anybody. This begins a whole new romantic spree altogether between the two of them, and they get closer. Theresa and Garrett, both are at very different crossroads of lives but at a same sort of junction....