The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest - Stieg Larsson

The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest is the third sequel to the Salander series preceded by The Girl Who Played With Fire. For all the Larsson fans, this book is obviously a must to achieve Nirvana, by knowing what really happens to Salander in the end (you have to read the second part). The previous book leaves us scratching our heads to know what happens next and, as soon as I grabbed a copy to the sequel I was hooked. The book opens with Salander in the hospital, severely injured with multiple fractures. She is constantly drifting in and out of consciousness and just able to grab pieces of information that people around her are talking about. She is frustrated with this, and as soon as she regains complete consciousness she starts planning to get out of the hospital and the country. The police have been looking for her for two murders. She doesn’t want to end up in jail, nor in a mental asylum.

The story starts unfolding the series of secrets that the Sweden security police has in its casket. As Lisbeth is terribly entangled with a government conspiracy against her, Mikael Blomkvist, her favourite enemy comes into the picture and constantly tries to help her. She does not take his help nor refuse directly. He has good intentions for her, but as her past unfolds on newspapers all over Sweden, he has his doubts about her innocence too. Still he believes in her and with the help of some of her well wishers tries to avenge his murdered friends and save Lisbeth. All of this starts a chain reaction which involves the highest dignitaries of Sweden.

Will Lisbeth be able to save herself? Will she escape out of the country with a new identity or fight the government who has always tried to lock her up an abuse her civil rights? Will she be able to face her childhood demons all over again? The story is enlightening, sensational with splendid turns. Larsson doesn’t fail to charm his readers once again for the last time. It’s a long book, but it’s worth the patience to reach the end. I will give it a 8/10.


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